Category FastTrack Schedule Environment

FastTrack Schedule 10.2.1 for macOS High Sierra is here!
AEC Software is happy to announce an update to its award-winning Project Management software, FastTrack Schedule: Version 10.2.1.

Creating Recurring Tasks within a Project
Schedules are living documents, so oftentimes we need to review them regularly to look at what has been done so far and make changes to what still needs to happen. One of the easiest ways to do this is to…
FastTrack Schedule Best Practices: Defining Dependencies
As we saw within our last FastTrack Schedule Best Practice post, there can often be many different ways of setting up features within a schedule. After creating the activity bars within a schedule, typically the next step is to define…
FastTrack Schedule Best Practices: Creating Activity Bars
In project management, there can often be many different methods for accomplishing project goals. In some cases, there will be what is considered a “best practice” method that will provide the best possible end-result. In FastTrack Schedule there are a…
Critical Paths in FastTrack Schedule 10
Displaying the critical paths in a schedule is often paramount to the success of the project. Project managers need to be able to easily view and manipulate these paths so that they can determine what tasks could potentially cause a…
Creating a Bar Legend in FastTrack Schedule
When setting up schedules in FastTrack Schedule, we have the ability to assign unique bar styles to any of the activities that we create. Typically bar styles are assigned with some sort of specific meaning in mind. For example, they…
Work Breakdown Structure in FastTrack Schedule
While FastTrack Schedule 10 can display a detailed Gantt chart of everything that happens within a project, one graphical view that is not displayed is the Work Breakdown Structure or WBS. Normally, the WBS displays the hierarchical breakdown of the…
Displaying Non-Work Time in FastTrack Schedule 10
Accounting for and tracking non-working time in projects can be just as important as tracking when activities occur. For this reason, the way we display our non-working periods in a schedule can be key, especially when sharing schedules with other…
Backward Scheduling in FastTrack Schedule 10
Backward Scheduling is a scheduling method used when the Finish Date of our project is already known, and we wish to determine when the project and corresponding tasks should occur to finish by this point. FastTrack Schedule 10 does not…
Windows Ribbon vs Classic Interfaces
Whether updating from an older operating system to a more recent one, or making the switch to a completely different software there can sometimes be a bit of learning curve when you start in the new environment. The same can…
Setting the Project Start Date
Every project that we work on has a specific date that it needs to start by. Setting and tracking this date can be an important aspect of our project because from the very beginning it will let us know if…