Dates or Date Formats displaying differently?

Some users are finding their date formats have changed after installing the latest version of FastTrack Schedule for Mac. This is most likely an issue with your Application Preferences in FastTrack Schedule.

To fix this:

  1. From the FastTrack Schedule menu select Application Preferences…
  2. Select the Dates tab.
  3. First, try clicking on the Reset to System Default button.
  4. Still not what you want? Click on the Date Order: popup.
  5. Choose the Date Order that you desire.
  6. Select the Display choices for your dates.
  7. View the Example area to see what your choices will look like.
  8. Edit the Separators: if necessary.
  9. Click OK.

Your dates should display in accordance with your choices.

FastTrack Schedule Application Preferences Dates Formats

Mac alert – “The document … is on a volume that does not support permanent version storage.”

FastTrack Schedule 2024 for Mac supports Apple’s Revert To and Versioning system. (This feature looks similar to the Mac Time Machine interface.)

When versioning system is functioning, you can roll back a file to prior versions (even after saving and reopening) via the File menu “Revert To” command. If you are saving to a volume (drive) that doesn’t support this feature, you can still use FastTrack Schedule 2024 without any problem. You just won’t be able to roll back a file to a prior version. The message sounds more alarming than it really is.

The versioning feature works with Mac OS Extended (HFS+) volumes that are directly connected to your computer.

Standard thumb drives that have not been reformatted to HFS+ and network connections to volumes over AFP, SMB, or NFS don’t support Apple’s versioning system, so macOS via FastTrack Schedule 2024 presents the message, “The document [document name] is on a volume that does not support permanent version storage.”

This alert and the limitation of certain kinds of drives comes from macOS, and is not something FastTrack Schedule 2024 has any control over.

Here is a link to which provides additional information that may be of interest.

FastTrack Schedule is now FastTrack Schedule 2024

FastTrack Schedule 2024 for Windows runs natively on Windows 10, Windows 11, and Windows 11 ARM64.

FastTrack Schedule 2024 for Mac – completely redesigned for macOS 15 Sequoia, macOS 14 Sonoma, macOS 13 Ventura, macOS 12 Monterey, 11 Big Sur, 10.15 Catalina, and 10.14 Mojave.

We are excited to announce that FastTrack Schedule 2024 for Mac is fully native on Apple silicone M1, M2, M3, and M4 processor Macs, taking full advantage of all the speed and performance of Apple silicone.

As always, FastTrack Schedule 2024 files are cross-platform. FastTrack Schedule 2024 for Windows has all the same great new features and it runs natively on Windows. Check out the new features.

FastTrack Schedule 2024 Getting Started
FastTrack Schedule 2024 Project Management Software for Mac and Windows.

FastTrack Schedule is a Winner!

Dear Readers,

We’re extremely pleased to share this news.  Roads and Bridges magazine’s “Contractor’s Choice for Project Management Software” silver award has been given to FastTrack Schedule!

Roads and Bridges's Contractor's Choice Award - Winner FastTrack Schedule

If you’re unfamiliar with Roads and Bridges magazine, here’s an excerpt from Wikipedia to catch you up.

“Roads & Bridges magazine is a 107-year-old trade publication serving construction and maintenance professionals, as well as heavy equipment manufacturers … It provides industry news, information on relevant equipment and safety recommendations and has been cited in studies of American infrastructure.

Roads & Bridges works with associations such as the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM), and American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA).

Roads & Bridges presents multiple annual awards and produces yearly Top 10 Roads & Top 10 Bridges Lists. As of July 2013, Roads & Bridges had 61,000 subscribers for its print edition.”

The only way to make Road’s and Bridges’s Top Ten Lists in any of their annual categories is for actual persons in the construction field to submit nominations and votes.

Thank you for submitting our software for the award and for your votes.  It means the world to us.

Thank you,
The Team at AEC Software, Inc.

FastTrack Schedule Celebrates 30 years!

Make a Wish & Say Happy Birthday

Through the smoke and the flames, a voice cries out…

“Does anyone have a fire extinguisher?!?”

Yep. There is always a joker in the crowd.

The icing on one cake says, FastTrack Schedule, 30 YEARS!” while the second one reads, AEC Software Inc, 33 Years.” THAT IS A LOT OF CANDLES!!

FastTrack Schedule Celebrates 30 years!

The 3-O is BIG for anyone, but for a software company and its product, that is an almost unheard of milestone that very few, if any reach.

Continue reading “Make a Wish & Say Happy Birthday”
FastTrack Schedule logo wearing Santa hat

A 30 Year Old Christmas Secret

For 30 years, we have kept a secret. On Christmas Eve in 1987, Santa visited AEC Software Inc.’s office… when we were still celebrating our annual Holiday party and the upcoming launch of a brand new product (FastTrack Schedule).

FastTrack Schedule logo wearing Santa hat

The poor man was so upset. He was already behind schedule with deliveries and thanks to our party, he was going to need to make a repeat visit to our office! Thankfully, we spotted him before he could sneak away so he wouldn’t have to come back again. he told us how behind he was with his deliveries, all of us at AEC Software, looked at each other with a brilliant idea.  We could help Santa!

And so, with a twinkle in our eyes, we gave Santa a very special gift.

Santa received the first official copy of FastTrack Schedule and a lifetime of free training and software updates.

This Christmas, we received a thank you note from Santa and permission to share his story with you.

As our oldest customer (he’s 1,748 years old and has been using FastTrack Schedule for 30 years), Santa is very special to us.

Happy Holidays!
AEC Software, Inc.

“You can’t stay on schedule if you don’t have one!”

FastTrack Schedule uses Project Management to tackle Thankgsiving Dinner

Gobble ’till you Wobble!

An American tradition for nearly 400 years, Thanksgiving’s feast is no ordinary Thursday night dinner.  It is the culmination of a lot of work to nurture, hunt, and collect enough food for the upcoming winter.

Today, most people only need to harvest their local grocery store to obtain all the culinary ingredients for making this meal.  But with all the basting and brining, cooking and thawing, food safety times and temperatures, stirring gravy and… (what is that burning!?!), might have you taking a second look at that normal Thursday night frozen meal aisle.

FastTrack Schedule's Thanksgiving Schedule

Continue reading “Gobble ’till you Wobble!”

Project Manager plan to plan their projects

Getting Started, by Planning to Plan

Congratulations! Your proposal won, and the boss made you the PM for that big project.

Now it is time to start stamping metal and shipping boxes… or more likely, not.   Jumping straight in, without a schedule or even a plan, is a false economy for fools that have yet to learn luck strikes both ways.   Often that first step is imagined as more difficult than it needs to be and is skipped, resulting in a fall later.

Project Manager plan to plan their projects

Continue reading “Getting Started, by Planning to Plan”

Find and fix the weakest link. Part 2 of 2.

What is Wrong with My Project? (Part 2 of 2)

In Part 1 of this two-part series on examining on a project that is going south on you, we looked at an out of control budget scenario and actions to take in response. Here, in Part 2, we’ll examine the ever growing issues list scenario and the problems of disengaged team resources or a disengaged project client and how to hopefully remedy those situations proactively.

Find and Fix the Weakest Link - Part 2

Continue reading “What is Wrong with My Project? (Part 2 of 2)”

Find & Fix the Weakest Link (FastTrack Schedule)

What is Wrong with My Project? (Part 1 of 2)

What Makes a Project Successful?

This answer is subjective to each project manager, and generally, consists of:

  • On-time delivery.
  • On-budget delivery.
  • Quality.

My answer to this question does not contain “quality,” instead, I use “customer satisfaction” in my concept of three key project success determiners because the customer needs to be satisfied with the end product no matter what.

Find & Fix the Weakest Links. FastTrack Schedule made this image.

Continue reading “What is Wrong with My Project? (Part 1 of 2)”