New FastTrack Schedule 10.0.5 Update Available

FastTrack Schedule 10 UpdateWe’ve just released another update to FastTrack Schedule 10. With FastTrack Schedule 10.0.5, your project planning gets even better. We’ve squashed some bugs, improved features, and added a couple of new features you’ll really enjoy. Our Mac version is optimized for Mac OS X Mavericks and includes support for Maverick’s new Tags feature. FastTrack Schedule 10.0.5 is a free download for all FastTrack Schedule 10 customers, so go get it!

For a complete list of all the new additions and to download the Update, visit our FastTrack Schedule 10.0.5 Mac Update and FastTrack Schedule 10.0.5 Windows Update pages.

If you’re not already using FastTrack Schedule 10 – try it today! Download a free 21-day trial version of FastTrack Schedule 10.0.5 for Mac or FastTrack Schedule 10.0.5 for Windows and get your projects on track.

Jackie Dembinsky
Jackie Dembinsky
Articles: 113