Update: iPad Version of FastTrack Schedule

FastTrack Schedule coming to iPad

What’s cooking with the iPad Version of FastTrack Schedule? Lots! In fact, it’s the number one project in our development kitchen. We’re making great progress and working hard to include as many features as possible in the initial release.

This is our first iOS version of FastTrack Schedule, however, it’s not our first mobile version of the product. Many of you may remember that we developed a Palm OS version of FastTrack Schedule. It was a great on-the-go companion to the Windows and Mac versions of FastTrack Schedule, but it was an immense challenge trying to squeeze a great looking Gantt chart onto such a small screen.

Needless to say, we’re very excited to have much more screen to work with on the iPad – it opens up so many more possibilities. And we believe you’ll appreciate the extra real estate as you view and manage your projects.

Are we finished? What features will be in it? When will it be released?  I’m sure those are some of the questions on your mind, and we’ll work to provide answers and status updates as we move toward completion.

Large portions of the app are complete, but our work is not done. The Schedule (Gantt) View and Resource View are receiving a lot of attention, and schedules created with the Mac and Windows desktop versions of FastTrack Schedule look great when opened on the iPad. Layouts, Filters, and outlining are working well. Moving rows is in place as are many gesture commands that we have all come to expect on the iPad.

We think you’ll really like the split screen features we’re working on. They’ll make it easy to zero in on specific tasks while still being able to see and edit other portions of your schedule!

These are just a few updates on features. There are many more features that are in progress, and we’ll highlight them in future posts.

Regarding a release date, we don’t have one yet. We’ll continue to share details on the release timetable and features as we roll on, so please stay tuned.

Thanks again for the feature feedback that many of you have provided. Have new ideas or old ideas that you haven’t shared? Don’t hold them in – let ‘em out. Just post a comment or add your idea to our Community Feature Requests.


Jackie Dembinsky
Jackie Dembinsky
Articles: 113